Barry Berger Biography
Barry passed away on Thursday, Sept 24, 2015 (Yom Kippur:Day of Atonement). A memorial service was held at Desert Springs Bible Church on Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 11 AM, followed by a luncheon at the The Orange Tree Golf Club to celebrate Barry’s life. To view his funeral service please click here.
BARRY BERGER was born on the south side of Chicago to Jewish parents. (His mother emigrated from the Russian city of Minsk.) Barry’s home was kept in the conservative Jewish tradition, and at age thirteen he received his Bar Mitzvah, making him a “Son of the Commandment.”
As Barry neared manhood, he put aside his interest in God and religion. He began a pursuit of personal pleasures and materialism; but, for all his travel and success, Barry was always left feeling empty. There was no lasting satisfaction or personal peace. It was at this time that a friend, who had been witnessing to him, placed Barry’s name on a church prayer list. Two years later, God had broken Barry. In January 1975, Barry Berger became a believer in Jesus the Messiah, receiving Him as Lord and Saviour of his life.
Barry served as the Director of Missions Emeritus for CJF Ministries. Barry had accepted a challenging call from God–to bring to the growing Jewish population in and around Phoenix the Good News that the long awaited Messiah of the Jewish people is none other than Yeshua (Jesus).
In another aspect of his ministry, Barry spoke in churches to impart to his Gentile brethren his love for the “lost sheep of the House of Israel.” He also shared his burden and vision for reaching them for the Messiah. In addition, Barry taught and demonstrated the Jewish roots of Christianity, the Feasts of Israel, and Israel in Prophecy.
A third area of work involved leading two Messianic fellowships in the study of the Scriptures. These groups serve as an outreach from the local church into the Jewish community. It is through these various forms of ministry that Barry received referrals to witness, counsel, and teach.
Barry was zealous for the Lord in both proclamation and commitment. He loved God’s Word and was an avid student of it. He was the keynote speaker for numerous conferences throughout the United States and Canada, and was chosen as Moody’s “Pastor of the Week.”
Barry Berger brang exposition to the pulpit, coupled with an understanding of the Jewish perspective of the Scriptures. All who hear his “word from the Lord” will be challenged.
Barry came to CJF Ministries as a seasoned worker. He pastored a Messianic congregation in Chicago, and later served nine years as the National Ministry Representative for a large Jewish mission organization.
Barry’s Past Sermons
Ardent in telling it like it is…
Respecter of no persons when it came to God’s Word…
Righteous in the Lord…
Yielding always to God’s precepts…