What is a Messianic Passover Seder?
It demonstrates the foreshadowing of Yeshua HaMaschiach, Jesus the Messiah, in the elements of the Passover Seder, mainly the Lord’s Supper that was instituted at the Passover. It is the biblical account of redemption for those Jewish believers who believe that Passover was fulfilled by none other than Yeshua, the Lamb of God, sacrificed on our behalf. He became sin so that anyone who receives Him, by faith, as Messiah, Lord and Savior, would be saved, forgiven through grace, and spend eternity in Heaven.
Who can attend?
Everyone is welcome, Jewish and Gentile individuals alike! Believers and non-believers! It is both a great teaching tool and evangelistic outreach. We also encourage Bible study groups and youth groups to attend. It will enlighten them to the Jewish roots of Christianity. Take a step of faith and invite your neighbors, too!
Can children attend?
Yes, there is a traditional game primarily for children during the Passover Seder. No babysitting services are provided. We recommend ages five and above, at the parents’ discretion. For ages five to eight, parents may want to bring a snack, coloring book and crayons.
What should I wear?
Business Casual
How long an evening is it?
It’s like having a unique dinner out with friends. You will enjoy music, the retelling of the story of Passover and a delicious 5-course meal.

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